3d modeling, claymation, video creation

90s Baby





Choose an area of focus to highlight in a project to be combined with 3D modeling/technology.

For my area of focus, I chose to highlight claymation, one of the many forms of stop-motion animation. I wanted the theme to be quirky and to be very 90s. Therefore, I came up with showcasing a 90s themed baby mobile. The objects hanging from the baby mobile are items from my childhood. I chose to 3D model a Gameboy Color, a Tamagotchi, a Kodak disposable camera, a Bumble Ball, ring pops, and McCain Smiles fries. I textured the models as if they were modelled from clay or Play-Doh. The CG animation of the models displays the baby mobile objects dangling, and the textures animate, as well. For both the 3d modelling and claymation to come together, I modelled each item with Play-Doh and created stop-motion clips of each. The video includes audio snippets from each item's 90s commercial ads, of which I edited in Premiere Pro. I wanted the quality of the video itself to feel as if it was filmed in the 90s. For that reason, I created a VHS filter using distortions and RGB colour channels. Overall, the video is a 90s parody and very nostalgic.

The production of this project took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. I had no access to the equipment I had planned to use to shoot the claymation, nor could I have gotten access to clay. Therefore, I had to improvise and use what I had available at home: Play-Doh! Also, I created my own "tripod" set up to keep my iPhone in place.

April 2020

Play-Doh, Blender, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro

other work


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