graphic design

Positively Glitched


Investigate the materiality of the photographic image.

Through the use of scanography and typography, this series explores phrases of positivity. We are currently living in very dark and divided times. It can be difficult to stay positive with all the daunting news around the world. Something that I like to do when in a bleak mood is to read positive quotes. I usually just look them up on Pinterest or follow quote accounts on Twitter and Instagram. These quotes allow me to see life from another perspective and they often affect my mind and behaviour for the better.

Although the chosen quotes are quite simple, I find them very poignant. I chose to incorporate a rainbow for the middle image to represent peace, serenity and hope. It also correlates with Quebec’s “Ça va bien aller” quote which is plastered all over the streets with a rainbow. Rainbow photo creds to Yulia Gadalina from Unsplash.

I created simple typographic designs of the quotes and then printed them. By using my Canon scanner, I was able to induce distortions by moving the papers and objects slightly. I brought the scans into Photoshop and merged some and made a digital collage by adding the flower scans. I created the GIF to demonstrate the before and after of each image.

June 2020

Illustrator, Photoshop, Cannon Scanner

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